



19.What is a must for the activity on Thursday morning?A.Chess. B.A book. C.A signed note.



听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where did the woman originally want to put the new plant?t?A.Behind the cofee table.B.Be lore the bookshelf.C. Beside the TV stand.Why is the plant finally put in the window corner?


He made an order to cover the roads of the whole country with leather(皮革) . His ministers werevery surprised to 36 his order because it meant thousands of cows need to be killed for leather. And itwould also cost a lot of money.A wise man from the ministry said he had another 37 . The minister asked the king:“Why doyou want to kill so many cows to cover the road with leather? Why not cut a piece of leather in theright 38 to cover your feet?”The king was amazed by this idc a and 39 the minister. He ordered that a pair of leather shoeswere to be made for himself and for each of his countrymen.Many of us criticize (批评) our surroundings and never 40 that we can make a changeourselves. We ca not or should not depend on others to make them.31.A.dreams B.jobs C.problems D.results32.A.turn to B.talk to C.ask for D.pay for33.A.copied B.hid C.continued D.returned34.A.arms B.hands C.feet D.back35.A.worried B.confident C.angry D.proud36.A.smell B.touch C.see D.hear37.A.idea B.interview C.form D.match38.A.place B.shape C.matter D.order39.A.refused B.missed C.praised D.advised40.A.record B.allow C.manage D.understand

