Unit 3 Teenage problems 提高训练卷(二)2023-2024牛津译林版英语九年级上册(含答案)卷子及答案

九(上)Unit 3 提高训练卷(二)
1. 一Why not your parents know your problem 一That's a good . I will have a try.
A. let; advice B. to let; suggestion C .let; suggestion D . to 1et; advice
2. I never doubt the book is worth .
A . whether; reading B. that; reading C. whether; being read D. that; being read
3. A lot of things always him. He has no choice but for his wife's advice.
A . worry; ask B. worry about; to ask C. worry about; ask: D. worry; to ask
4. If your answer is the machine will give the mark to you .
A . correct; correct B . correct; correctly C. correctly; correctly D . correctly; correct
5. 一I can't understand why so many people buy smuggled cellphones (水货手机).
一Because they are cheap. A smuggled cellphone is half the price of a licensed one (行货).
A. spent B. cost C. worth D. paid
6. You'd better develop a habit of what you have learnt every day.
A . taking over B . falling over C . going over D . looking over
7. 一Can you tell me if he all the problems in thirty minutes
一I m afraid he can't. If he another five minutes, I think he will.
A . will solve; will give B. solves; is given C. will solve; is given D. solves; will give
8. 一Excuse me, sir Would you please the total cost of the trip 一 AIl right. I will make it at once.
A. hand out B. look out C. take out D. work out
9. 一Your is quite good. You must be from an English-speaking country. 一Thanks, but I'm from China.
A. pollution B. protection C. pronunciation D. protection
10. My parents are always strict me in everything and that makes me feel .
A . with: stressed B. with; stress C. to; stress D. to; stressed
11. 一Though I have tried to 1earn English, I can make little progress.
一 . Don't lose heart, and you will succeed at last.
A . It takes time B . That's impossible C . That's a shame D . That's not the case :
12. 一How is Sandy getting on with her English, Mr. Li 一Great! great progress she has made this tem!
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
13. 一 Mr. Wang. what shall I do if someone laughs at me 一 .
A. Shout at him B. Fight with him C. Cry out D. Pay no attention to him
14. 一When will Mr Liu come back to Zhenjiang 一Sorry, I don't know .
A how long he will stay in Xijing B. how he went to Xinjang
C. how soon will he be back from Xigjing D. why he is going to Xinjang
15. 一Thank you for giving me so much practical advice. 一 . Keep trying and you are sure to be successful.
A. I can't agree more B. I didn't mean it C. Don't mention it D. Don't speak too much
“Mum, please! Can I keep a pet dog or a cat ” Andrew asked.
Mum said nothing, but the next day, she got home with a bright goldfish swimming around in a plastic bag.
“A fish. A 1 little fish. Not exactly my dream pet. It’s 2 ! Everyone has a pet dog,” Andrew complained. “Mum, I’ve got 3 against fish. They’re perfectly fine animals. But I want a pet that would do tricks and 4 me when I enter my room. I need a pet that would show me love, like a gentle bark or a miaow. 5 , I’ve got a dead-eyed fish!”
“It’s the only pet that you can keep,” Mum 6 .
Andrew had no choice but to keep the goldfish. He put it in the tank and said, “I will name it Dog.” “Dog!” Andrew shouted. Suddenly, the goldfish stopped eating and swam over from the other side of the 7 . It looked at Andrew, right up to the glass next to him.
Andrew was 8 . “Did it know its name was Dog Was it coming to me when I called 9 . Fish aren’t that smart. Are they ” Andrew waited for Dog to swim away again and 10 eating. Then he shouted again, “Dog!” It stopped eating at once and 11 over to Andrew. Maybe Dog wasn’t a stupid fish, after all.
Andrew started to train Dog to do tricks. After two weeks, Dog could swim in the shape of eight. After one month of practice, Dog could get back a little plastic ball by swimming under it and 12 it up to the top of the tank. Then Andrew could drop the ball 13 into the water. Dog was playing go-and-bring!
Dog did more than the tricks. Whenever Andrew walked into the room, Dog would 14 swim up and give him a happy 15 . Every time Andrew smiled down at Dog, he was pretty sure it smiled right back.
1. A. lovely B. stupid C. clever D. nervous
2. A. unlucky B. uncomfortable C. unimportant D. unfair
3. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
4. A. greet B. respect C. protect D. lead
5. A. So B. Moreover C. Instead D. Otherwise
6. A. insisted B. added C. asked D. doubted
7. A. box B. cage C. tank D. bag
8. A. surprised B. unhappy C. excited D. scared
9. A. No problem B. No way C. No worry D. No hurry
10. A. forget B. avoid C. stop D. begin
11. A. ran B. swam C. walked D. jumped
12. A. pulling B. pushing C. taking D. turning
13. A. off B. away C. back D. out
14. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. always
15. A. bubble B. bark C. miaow D. touch
Tom always lived for grades. He was always interested in books and ideas. Why should he care about people They only made fun of him. They were jealous (妒忌的) because he was so smart, or so he thought. It seemed that Tom knew everything — except one thing. He didn’t know how to get along with other people.
He made his parents believe that school was a waste of time, so he began home schooling with special teachers. He dreamed of being the youngest person to enter university (大学), and he sent letters to famous professors (教授) to see if it was possible.
One day, the doorbell rang. When Tom opened the door, there was his idol—Professor Rosen. Tom was so excited that he could hardly speak. The two talked for a long time, exchanging ideas. The professor was surprised at what this young boy knew. “Tom, tell me about your friends. What do you do for fun ” the professor wanted to know.
There was silence as Tom realized that he didn’t really have any friends. “Well, I don’t have time for all that. I’m too busy with my studies,” he said.
“That’s a problem, Tom. You have to learn that the world is not just filled with ideas. It’s filled with people. And you have to remember to be what you are … a boy. Boys need to have fun.”
The professor talked a bit more and then said, “I have to go, but I have a test for you. In this box, there are three things. I want you to learn how to use them. It is not very simple and you’ll need another person to help you. Experiment and learn how to use them, and I’ll be back in a week to see how you’re doing. Then, I’ll have another test for you.”
The professor left and Tom opened the box. Inside were two baseball gloves and a ball. He tried on a glove and picked up the ball, looking at the other glove with a bright smile …
1. What does the underlined word “it” mean in Paragraph 2
A. Writing letters. B. Attending university early. C. Studying at home. D. Visiting famous professors.
2. What do Professor Rosen’s words mean in Paragraph 5
A. It’s good for Tom to share new ideas with his teachers.
B. It’s important for Tom to remember what he’s learnt.
C. It’s necessary for Tom to realize what his problem is.
D. It’s helpful for Tom to know the differences among people.
3. Why did Professor Rosen set the first test for Tom according to the text
A. To improve Tom’s testing skills. B. To check Tom’s language level.
C. To stop Tom from being silent. D. To encourage Tom to make friends.
4. What will Tom probably do next according to the text
A. Work much harder on his studies. B. Give the box back to the professor.
C. Go out to play baseball with someone. D. Ask for more information by letter.
5. Which of the following sayings does the passage want to tell us .
A. Practice makes perfect B. A friend in need is a friend indeed
C. God helps those who help themselves D. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
There are millions of teenagers using social media every day. Although some people think social media is a positive thing, many are worried about the negative (负面的) influences it can have on young people.
Many teenagers agree that social media helps them stay connected to their friends and make new friends from around the world. More and more teenagers are willing to share their life and thoughts online. Thanks to advances in technology, how teenagers make friends and communicate with each other has changed greatly.
However, social media also has many disadvantages (缺点), one of which is that some parents believe social media makes it harder for families to spend time together. They say that things on the Net seem super appealing, and that their kids can’t take their eyes off the screen. As a result, teenagers pay no attention to the rest of their family.
Another serious problem is that social media makes bullies (霸凌者) easier to reach their goals. A great many people have experienced cyberbullying—bullying that takes place online. So how can teenagers protect themselves if the cyberbullying has taken place Gwen Taylor, an expert from a charity, which works to end online bullying, suggests, “The first thing to do is to tell a trusted adult about what is going on.” “If someone posts content that frightens you, you can report it to the social media platform (平台). You’d better keep the screenshot (屏幕截图) of the behavior because this will help you to report it and help others to help you,” says Taylor.
Perhaps the more effective way is to try to be a good digital citizen (数字公民). How you act online is just as important as how others treat you. Good digital citizens use online spaces positively, which means treating everybody online with kindness and respect. Respect other people’s feelings and don’t be mean (刻薄的). “If you have shared something you shouldn’t have, it’s never too late to say sorry and fix the situation—such as taking the post down. If you notice somebody is being cyberbullied, consider reporting it and getting in touch with the person being treated badly to make sure he is OK,” Taylor advises.
1. What’s the advantage of social media according to the passage
A. It helps teenagers make more friends. B. It enables teenagers to do more exercise.
C. It makes teenagers focus on their schoolwork. D. It offers teenagers chances to stay with families.
2. What does the underlined word “appealing” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Interesting. B. Tiring. C. Traditional. D. Scary.
3. What should teenagers do when faced with cyberbullying
A. Believe it’s not a big deal. B. Keep the problem a secret.
C. Never surf the Internet again. D. Tell a trusted adult what happened.
4. Which statement would the author most probably agree with
A. Teenagers are too shy to share their opinions online.
B. All the teenagers have learned the rules of being safe online.
C. Teenagers should be responsible for (对……负责) their words and actions online.
D. It’s wise to keep silent when you find your friend is being bullied online.
5. What's the passage mainly about
A. How to use social media. B. Social media's information.
C. Social media's influence. D. How to share social media.
Teenagers’ life can be so hard. It is necessary for a teenager to know the ways to enjoy life.
As a teenager, you can’t finish your task at times. That is exactly why you have so many problems in your life. Your parents won’t let you have a night-out with friends because you don’t clean your room or your teacher is going to take you to the head teacher because you haven’t finished your homework. So please remember: Work must come first.
When you go wrong, you go back to bed every night hating yourself for the mistakes you have made. If you don’t make mistakes, you won’t learn, but don’t repeat them because there isn’t plenty of time to go wrong. Learn from your mistakes and others’, and it will help you to improve. Don’t try so hard to be right all the time, or you will not be happy with yourself.
Most of us want to be popular in school and you ask your parents to get you the best clothes, but they won’t. To deal with that situation, I’d say that if your parent is not willing to pay for all those expensive clothes for you, get yourself a part-time job to make money or spend your money wisely. And, don’t follow others with bad habits.
Talking to others helps reduce the stress. Most teenagers often feel worried during the teenage years. You need someone to talk to you. So, find a listener. What’s more, you should develop your hobbies and interests!
Because life is all about experiences and learning from them in your teenage years, enjoy every bit of it to the fullest.
Title: (1) to enjoy life as a teenager
(2 for teenagers Dealing with the task Finish your task (3) you go to enjoy yourself.
Dealing with the mistakes ﹡Do not hate yourself all the time for the mistakes you have made. ﹡Learn from mistakes to make you (4) than before. ﹡Be (5) with yourself even though you are not right sometimes.
Dealing with being popular ﹡Take a part-time job to make money to (6) your favorite clothes. ﹡ (7) following others with bad habits.
Dealing with (8) ﹡Find a friend to listen to you and this will make your stress (9) ﹡Develop your hobbies and interests.
conclusion Life is all about experiences and learning from them, (10) enjoy every bit of it to the fullest.
1. 一I have been running into a lot of troubles these days.
一Take it easy, Problems and (worry) are normal in daily life.
2. Miss Gao is preparing a talk on how (solve) teenager problems.
3. Work out what situations or people make you feel (stress) and avoid them.
4. To improve his (pronounce) of French, he practised a lot with his foreign friends.
5. I am feeling even (proud) of my country after overcoming the difficult of virus (病毒).
6. We should pay more attention to those teenagers who (laugh) at.
7. After he learned how to use the camera (correct), Leo has taken many life-like photos.
8.一Thanks for letting me share the problems with you. I feel much better now.
一Just remember, don't keep problems to (you). I am always here for you.
9. She thought it impossible to talk about poems without (mention) Li Bai.
10.一Do you have a 1ot of homework for this weekend
一Yes. That's just what I'm feeling (happy) with. I can hardly have any time for hobbies.
Whenever the exam season comes, stress may come along. Nobody can avoid it. So (1) can we deal with it Here are some ways that have helped us through this season.
Firstly, having some sports drives your stress away (2) (easy) most of the time. When the stress of exams is really hitting me, I stop and take a walk. I usually borrow (3) (myneighbour) dogs and walk for fifteen minutes. Many boys would simply choose (4) (run) for a while, or play ball games with their friends.
(5) (two), listening to your favorite songs will make you happy. If you find music helpful, give it a go. The best thing about this is that you can find all kinds of music online easily.
Thirdly, if you are a book lover, read a book you like for half an hour. (6) (read) can take you to places where you have never been. Putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress for a little bit.
Lastly, for sure, there’s (7) (something) better than laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. It can really keep worry off your mind! Very often I call my best friend (8) we talk about our good times or something funny on the phone. (9) that, I feel better before I know it. Remember, many others have the same experience as you and it’s not something that can’t (10) (deal) with.
假如你是青少年辅导员Sigmund Friend,近期你收到初三学生Jack的来信,请针对Jack的问题,给他提些建议。
Dear Sigmund Friend, I have just entered Grade 9, but we have so many exams. And every subject is even harder than before. I have a lot of homework every day. Sometimes I find it difficult to finish it. So I often stay up late. In the daytime. I always feel tired and sleepy. I often get low marks in exams. Also, my parents care too much about my marks after each exam. I feel very unhappy and stressed. What should I do Can you offer me some advice I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Jack
Dear Jack,
Thank you for telling me about your problem. I hope I can help you.
Yours sincerely,
Sigmund Friend
1. How/Ways 2. Advice/Suggestions/Tips 3. before 4. better 5. happy 6. buy/get 7. Avoid/Stop 8. stress/worry/worries 9. less 10. so
1.worries 2.to solved 3.stressed 4.pronunciation 5.prouder 6.are laughed 7.correctly 8.yourself 9.mentioning 10.unhappy
1.how 2.easily 3.neighbours’ 4.to run 5.Secondly 6.Reading 7.nothing 8.and 9.After 10.be dealt
Dear Jack,
Thank you for telling me about your problem. I hope I can help you.
You said you have many exams and every subject is harder than before. You have a lot of homework. Plan your day carefully. Try to manage your time better. You had better choose some hobbies when you are free because hobbies are very important to you. Before the exams, you should go over what you have learnt as often as possible.
You also said your parents always care too much about your marks after each exam, so you always feel stressed and unhappy. I think you can talk to them about your problems. Sometimes they can offer you some valuable suggestions. Try your best in your study and enjoy your school life.
I hope you think my advice is worth taking.
Yours sincerely,
Sigmund Friend

Unit 3 Teenage problems 提高训练卷(二)2023-2024牛津译林版英语九年级上册(含答案)
