




18.What did Cao think of her friend’s wedding dress?A.Expensive. B.Old-fashioned. C.Beautiful.



听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What is the research mainly about?A.The ranking of world universities.B.Studying in different universities.C The expenses for studying overseas.


第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。A arra v An il, a 17-year-old studentt/irorom India, has invented a smart spoon designed to assistpeople with disabilities. Aar rav’s44creating a smart spoon was not about winning awards.His 42 r creating this innovativewas inspiredy his uncle Ar jun, who suffers fromforParkinson’s disease and faced difficulties whilee feed himself. Aar rav witnessed foodspilling out of his uncle’s mouth and on to hiswhich made him determined to find asolution that would allowhihis uncle to eat independently with445robot ies, Aar rav began to carryout the mission to help his uncle. HeUsinghisfspared no 4 gathered microcontrollers, motors, sensors, and a 3-D printer to create aninitial model ofmart spoon. Subsequently, this prototype was sent to RV College for48e tuning the designThe 49 sign has gone through a few changes. “I’ve been fine 50sent – that it needs to be water pr ithout damagingthe college’sall the electronics inside; that it must 520proof so that it can beit can be cleaned and repl aedby a fork; andthe spoon needs to be deeper to 5 more food, ” Aar rav said.underway at the college, with a(n)、completionTrials of the smart spoon are cure英语 第6页(共8页)

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